
Inditex is made up of a diverse team of 164,997 people of 182 different nationalities, 29.6 age average, based in 60 different countries. 86% of our workforce, works in our stores.

3 Inditex workers around a table chatting during a break. Black and white image
  • 164,997 people
  • 182 nationalities
  • 29.6 average age
  • 75% female
  • 80% of management positions held by women
  • 82% of employees on permanent contracts
  • Average annual pre-tax remuneration of €26,294

Inclusion, equality and respect are essential to allowing each of our employees reach his or her full potential. Gender equality is part of who we are. 75% of jobs at Inditex are held by women, a figure that rises to 80% in management positions. There is no gender pay gap. Female boardroom representation topped 45% in 2022. Bloomberg included us in its Gender-Equality Index for the third year in a row.

The Group is also fully committed to including people with disabilities. In 2022, we directly employed 1,698 people with disabilities, in collaboration with local organisations, under the scope of our INCLUDE Programme. Moreover, the Group recently pledged to hire over 1,500 professionals with disabilities in the next two years, so doubling the number of employees in this category.

Inditex worker walking down the aisle of a warehouse. Black and white image

The finest talent, at the service of our customers

We strive to attract the finest talent, tap its full potential and solidify employee commitment by providing safe, healthy, enriching and motivating places to work, coupled with attractive terms and conditions, underpinned by unstinting respect for labour rights. Merco Talento named us the best company to work at for the twelfth year in a row.

Our main source of talent is Inditex Careers, which received over 8.8 million visits from more than 200 countries in 2022, while our relationships with top universities and schools remain key. In the technology field, for example, we are organising talent development programmes, such as our recent partnership with Stanford University. Last year, 59% of Group vacancies were filled internally, which meant that 11,000 people were promoted during the year. 75% of the professionals promoted were women.

2 workers of Inditex talking in a store. Black and white image

Training plays a key role in our talent development effort. In 2022, we imparted over 2.6 million hours of training to more than 1.3 million participants, covering topics as diverse as diversity and inclusion, compliance and language skills, as well as special courses for store staff. Tra!n has become our benchmark online training platform.

On the training front, two sustainability-related initiatives stand out: The Sustainable Fashion School, a space for learning for the design and buyer teams; and the Changemaker community. In each of our stores, the appointed Changemaker champions the sustainability thrust and cultural shift, receiving ongoing training to that end.