Suppliers - Inditex

Collaborating so our suppliers grow

In 2021, our supply chain encompassed 1,790 direct suppliers in 44 markets who in turn used 8,756 factories, providing work for over three million workers. Our commitment to them translates into responsible management of our supply chain, with the aim of ensuring our suppliers grow with us and accompany us on our quest to transform the industry. In tandem, our Workers at the Centre 2019-2022 strategy shines the spotlight on supply chain workers.

Our suppliers clusters - which represent 97% of production - play a key role: they provide forums for cooperation and dialogue with the aim of creating the right climate for nurturing a sustainable productive environment in each region. In 2021, we again had 12 clusters: Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Turkey, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Argentina and Brazil.

Inditex Supply Chain in 2021
1,790 Suppliers with purchase in 2021
8,756 Factories declared by suppliers in 2021
Americas 12 suppliers 38 factories
European Union 383 suppliers 1,884 factories
Europe outside the EU 223 suppliers 1,824 factories
Africa 194 suppliers 443 factories
Asia 978 suppliers 4,567 factories

One of the unique characteristics of our supply chain is the fact that a high number of the factories that make products for us are located in markets that are relatively close to our headquarters in Arteixo (Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Turkey). Specifically, 50% of the factories involved in the cutting, sewing, dying, washing, printing and finishing processes are located in nearby markets.

Mujeres taller confección Inditex
Collaborating so our suppliers grow
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