The 174,386 people working at Inditex in 2018 represent 154 different nationalities and speak 73 different languages. Through their engagement, they embrace and shape a culture that is centred on the values of diversity, humility, collaboration, innovation and sustainability.
We foster an inclusive work environment as the means to improving our performance. And we think on work-life balance as a right for all.

- We are signatories of the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business on Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI People
- 16% of our employees enjoy shorter working days in Spain
Our aim is to attract the talent needed to continue to nurture our passion for the responsible fashion our customers want to see.

- 6 million visits to from 217 markets
- Talent Centres in 12 benchmark international cities
- We collaborate with 36 design schools in eight countries
- We have set up ZARA TECH to focus on candidates with digital backgrounds
We are strategically committed to internal promotions and training in order to develop our stock of talent.
opportunities for professional growth offered to store teams
participants in the programme for identifying management potential, Inditex Go!
people selected in-house for the rollout of the new logistics connection hub in Lelystad (Netherlands)
million hours of training

We are working hard to provide high quality work, framed by the most stringent health and safety standards certified by OHSAS.
of the workforce are full time equivalents
million of bonuses and commissions
Profit-sharing plan: €32 million distributed to 92,000 employees with more than two years' seniority

At Inditex men and women receive equal pay for the same roles. In terms of overall salaries, the women at Inditex receive an average of 0.8% more than the men working at the Group. The pay gap has been calculated for each market (weighted accordingly), to isolate the impact of local currencies, the trend in the rate of exchange and the geographic footprint of the Group's workforce.
Inditex's community commitment is similarly evident in its HR Policy in two key respects: (i) its efforts to help people with special needs or in vulnerable situations to find work; and (ii) the rollout of community projects championed by its employees.
- 197 people hired under the scope of our programme for providing vulnerable young people with job skills: Salta (Since the beggining of the programme in 2008, 1,170 people have participated on it)
- The number of for&from stores for the integration of people with disabilities stands at 14
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