Enery efficiency
We foster the rational and efficient use of energy throughout our value chain. In this way, we reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and help mitigate their effects. We have committed to reducing our GHG emissions by 30% by 2030, in line with our membership of the United Nations Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action. The vision is to achieve net-zero emissions in the industry by 2050.
of eco-stores
of our global energy consumption comes from renewable sources
reduction of our relative electric consumption per square metre
reduction of our relative energy consumption

We fine-tuned our garment transportation
Optimising the transportation of our garments is key to reducing the emissions associated with our processes.
Transportation planning and load optimisation enabled us to reduce the number of vehicles leaving our distribution centres in Spain for European destinations in 2018.

1,480 routes, equivalent to 60 trips around the world
Sustainable packaging
We prioritise the use of recycled materials in our packaging, extending their useful life, and we encourage subsequent recycling. The involvement of the 1,876 suppliers that transfer our goods in recycled cardboard boxes to our distribution centres is crucial to the success of this programme, known as Green to Pack.
We have signed the New Plastics Global Economy Commitment championed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, so that that all of the plastic used in our business activities can be reused or recycled.
All the boxes used by Zara's online business are made from 100% recycled board
We reused 120 million hangers and recirculated 1.2 billion alarms
We collect used clothing to give it a new lease of life
We collaborate with 12 non-profit organisations around the world to collect used clothing in our stores, at our head offices and in street containers in 24 markets. The clothing we collect is donated to charity and when this is not possible, it is sent for recycling. Our commitment to the Global Fashion Agenda is to extend this programme to 2,000 stores in 2020.
- 14,824 tonnes of clothing, footwear and accessories collected
- 834 Zara stores in 24 markets fitted with recycling containers
- Pull&Bear, Bershka, Oysho and Tempe have recycling containers in 524 stores in Spain
- Zara Home, Stradivarius and Massimo Dutti are test-piloting the initiative in 24 stores in Spain
We collaborate with companies that specialise in recycling, with experts in green technologies and with researchers such as MIT to convert used clothing into new textile fibres such as Lyocell® TENCEL.
We classify our waste
We are working towards the goal of classifying all of the waste generated by our activities by 2050, so that it can be recovered for new uses or recycled.

In 2018, 88% of the waste generated at our logistics platforms and proprietary factories was classified for sorting

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