5. Main relationships of the Audit and Control Committee
A. With the General Meeting of Shareholders
The Chair of the Audit and Control Committee is available to the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting in order to address those questions therein raised by the same with regard to matters within its remit, pursuant to the provisions of statute, the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors’ Regulations and the Audit and Control Committee’s Regulations.
B. With the Board of Directors
At the beginning of each meeting of the Board of Directors, the Chair of the Audit and Control Committee apprises all Directors on the main business transacted in the last meeting of the Committee.
C. With the advisory Committees of the Board of Directors
Directors sitting on the Audit and Control Committee also sit on the Nomination Committee and on the Remuneration Committee.
D. With the Executive Chairman and the Senior Executives
For the purposes of permitting the Audit and Control Committee to be directly apprised of the major business concerns, the Committee encourages the appearance in its sessions of the Executive Chairman and of the executives and officers of the Company to explain their view on certain issues directly linked with the field of responsibility of the Committee and which are recurrent
Additionally, the Committee may call any employee or officer of the Company and even arrange for their attendance without any other officer being present.
E. With the General Counsel’s Office
The General Counsel and Secretary of the Board, in his capacity as Code Compliance Officer regularly informs the Audit and Control Committee on the degree of compliance with the Internal Regulations of Conduct regarding Transactions in Securities and in general, on the degree of enforcement of the rules of the company on corporate governance.
Additionally, the General Counsel and Secretary of the Board, in his capacity as Chair of the Committee of Ethics regularly advices the Audit and Control Committee on the enforcement of the Code of Conduct and Responsible Practices and the Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers; the outcome of the supervision of the Manual on Criminal Risks Prevention of the Inditex Group and the proceedings undertaken to implement the Corporate Compliance system.
F. With the Internal Audit Department
The Internal Audit Department, ensures, under the supervision of the Audit and Control Committee, the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes, thus contributing to the good running of the Organization.. Internal Audit is a centralized function included in the current organizational structure by means of a direct link to the Board of Directors, achieved through the functional reporting to the Chair of and the operational reporting to the Executive Chairman.
The Chief Audit Officer (CAO), being ultimately responsible for the Internal Audit function, regularly apprises the Audit and Control Committee of the annual Internal Audit work plan, as well as of the assignments carried out in the different auditing areas.
Meanwhile, the Audit and Control Committee oversees the Internal Audit Department, approving its budget, the Internal Audit Plan, the annual activities report and the resources of the Department to carry out its tasks as well as the contents of its proceedings
G. With the external auditors
The relationship of the Board of Directors of the Company and the external auditors of the Group is channeled through the Audit and Control Committee.
Without prejudice to the annual meeting between external auditors and the Board of Directors, the former attends the meetings of the Committee wherein the Periodic Financial Information which the Board of Directors needs to approve and disclose on a half-yearly basis is subject to review.
In addition, the Committee tables to the Board of Directors, to be subsequently submitted to the Annual General Meeting, the motions on the appointment, re-election and replacement of the external auditors, as well as the terms for their engagement and the scope of their professional mandate. Likewise, the Committee oversees the enforcement of the audit contract; it evaluates the results of each audit and supervises the terms and enforcement of such contracts entered into with the auditors for the performance of assignments other than those covered by the audit contract, all of which pursuant to the provisions of section 15 of the Board of Directors’ Regulations and sections 8 and 30 of the Audit and Control Committee’s Regulations.
H. With the external advisors
In order to receive assistance in the performance of their duties, non-executive directors may request that legal, accounting, financial or other experts be engaged at the Company’s expenses. The assignment entrusted to such external advisors must necessarily address specific issues of certain weight and complexity that the above referred directors might face in the discharge of their duties.
Uría & Menéndez law firm advised Inditex on the review of the internal regulations and namely, on the Audit and Control Committee’s Regulations, in order to adjust them to the latest regulatory requirements as well as to the latest recommendations and trends in the field of corporate governance.