4. Stakeholder engagement
The challenges posed by a global supply chain impact a number of shareholders. The positive impact of working together to identify these challenges and seek shared solutions is beneficial to the industry and the development of the communities within we are present. Apart from the Group’s work with IndustriALL Global Union and local trade unions, in 2015 we can also highlight Inditex’s active participation in important international platforms such as Better Work, the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the UN Global Compact, among others.
The impact of working together is beneficial to the industry and the development of communities

Better Work
Thirty factories registered in Cambodia, 14 factories registered in Vietnam and two factories registered in Indonesia. Participation in the Better Work Global Buyers Forum in San Francisco and in regional meetings in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam.

UN Global Compact
When Inditex became a signatory to the Global Compact in 2001, the company undertook to respect its ten principles. In 2015, Inditex participated in the Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability and the Human Rights Working Group of the Global Compact Network Spain, as well as in the Global Compact +15 anniversary, held at the United Nations in New York, in order to tackle private sector involvement in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Ethical Trading Initiative
Inditex has been a member of the Ethical Trading Initiative since 2007. In 2015, the Group participated actively in various platforms and projects including the following:
- Tamil Nadu Multistakeholder Initiative for the eradication of abusive employment practices in Southern India .
- Attendance at the round table organized in India on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
- Representation at the ETI China Corporate Caucus dealing with matters specific to the sector in China.
- Study on the Chinese social security system.
- Project entitled “Social dialogue for harmonious industrial relations in Chinese supply chains”.
- Participation in working meetings in Turkey on the protection of Syrian refugees in supply chains.

International Labour Organization
Participation in the SCORE programme to improve productivity and working conditions in factories; presence at the Buyers Forum Pakistan organized by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and promoted by the ILO.