Collaboration with policy-making and sectoral organizations

Transparency and collaboration with official policy-making and sectoral organizations and their stakeholders are vital for the success of our programmes. Dialogue and participation have allowed Inditex to share and apply best practices in the areas of the health, safety and environmental sustainability of the product.

EU PEF Pilot

In 2014, The European Commission started the pilot programme Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), which aims to develop shared labelling methods that will allow the environmental impact of different products to be quantified. At Inditex, as part of the textile value chain, we actively monitor working groups, particularly those linked to footwear. We bring our experience and encourage the development of calculation methods that are applicable to the whole textile value chain.

SAC / Higg Index

As active members of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), Inditex participates in various working groups for the consolidation of the Higg sustainability index. The objective of the Higg Index is to evaluate the environmental and social impact of each of the stages of the textile production process, identifying opportunities for improvement for the industry, enabling the end consumer to make sustainable buying decisions. In 2015, we worked with the SAC to improve the Higg Index by developing a new module, the Retail Module, which evaluates the environmental impact of stores and distribution centres.

We additionally participated in updating the section of the Higg Index module, which evaluates the environmental impact of suppliers, adapting the index for small and medium businesses in the textile sector, and developing an index that represents the industry as a whole.

In this period we also collaborated on the development of a process that allows designers to evaluate the environmental impact of a product quickly and simply, based on the decisions taken during the design phase.

Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC)

As a member of ZDHC, Inditex has actively participated in the development of training materials for the correct management of chemical products in textile manufacturing processes, as well as on the systematic accreditation of trainers. We also collaborate with other textile brands with the aim of feeding into and aligning our efforts within the supply chain.

In 2015 we also participated in creating a standard on the quality of waste water, which will help our suppliers to make progress towards the zero discharge of dangerous substances by 2020.

European Retail Round Table (ERRT)

The European Retail Round Table (ERRT) is an initiative where leading companies in the retail sector at the European level join forces to achieve a more sustainable model of consumption. At Inditex, we contribute our knowledge and experience to promote the creation of more sustainable strategies within the sector.

EUREKA innovation across borders (Turkey)

In association with the highest-level laboratory in Turkey, the EKOTEKS Laboratory, Inditex is developing new techniques for the analysis of cosmetics, which are already being applied to ensure the maximum quality of the brand’s line of cosmetic products. This R&D project is being developed under the auspices of the European Union EUREKA network.

CIQ Shanghai (China)

Inditex participates in the Pre-Testing programme with the CIQ Shanghai organization of the Department of Customs Inspection and Quarantine of China, reserved for companies with a very high level of compliance with the health regulations for imported items.