Promoting team motivation


Develop self-sufficient, responsible staff
Encourage the professional and personal growth of employees in parallel to our business growth

Material issues

2 Code of Conduct and Responsible Practices
14 Labour practices
15 Attracting and retaining talent
16 Development of human capital

The professionals that form part of Inditex’s team are the people that make it possible for millions around the world to find the fashion of their dreams in Inditex stores every time they visit.

Inditex has some 137,054 employees worldwide who are capable of adapting to the needs of a company that reinvents itself on a daily basis. Nonconformist spirits who ask a lot of themselves yet are flexible, innovative and love working in a team find the ideal environment for their personal development from their very first day at Inditex. In order to ensure that these professionals’ skills are never limited, Inditex makes efforts to maintain their motivation by creating working environments in which they can really make the most of all their potential as professionals and, above all, as people. Inditex’s priorities for their employees are:

  • Support employee development and growth
  • Promote quality employment
  • Create spheres for collaboration with society

Our actions to promote the development and growth of our staff and to seek to provide quality employment are reflected in our position as an employer in the market.

According to mercoPersonas, a tool evaluating the top 100 enterprises to work for in Spain which surveys employees, students and business people, Inditex has been ranked as the best employer in Spain for the last four consecutive years.

Universum Ideal Employer 2014 has highlighted Inditex as the most attractive company to work for, according to Spanish university students, following a study involving more than 16,000 students.

During 2014, Inditex generated 8,741 new jobs, closing the year with a payroll of 137,054 people and 83 different nationalities. Of the new jobs created, more than 1,800 are located in Spain, both in the Group’s stores and in its headquarters and logistics platforms – a true reflection of the company’s global growth. The group has almost 42,000 employees in Spain, up 4.5% on the previous year.

77% of Inditex staff worldwide are women; 23% men. The average age of our staff is 28 years old.

By area of activity, 87% of the staff work in stores, distributed over the five continents, a figure that has remained stable in comparison with the previous year: similarly, the percentage of workers carrying out tasks in the area of manufacturing, logistics and general services did not vary with respect to 2013.

Some 31% of the payroll is located in Spain, whereas the rest of Europe accounts for 47% of Inditex’s total employees. Asia, America and the rest of the world account for 11% of the total employees in each case.

Evolution of the number of Inditex employees
Payroll distribution by activity in 2014
Employees by geographical area in 2014

Distribution of the Inditex Group payroll by market

Albania 157
Austria 1,152
Belgium 1,905
Bosnia-Herzegovina 157
Bulgaria 515
Croatia 666
Czech Republic 428
Denmark 99
Finland 176
France 7,469
Germany 5,293
Greece 3,335
Holland 1,569
Hungary 838
Ireland 771
Italy 5,986
Luxembourg 151
Macedonia 131
Monaco 38
Montenegro 104
Norway 174
Poland 4,273
Portugal 5,723
Romania 1,835
Russia 9,337
Serbia 404
Slovakia 198
Spain 41,989
Sweden 535
Switzerland 1,074
Turkey 3,879
Ukraine 1,035
United Kingdom 4,758
Total Europe 106,154
Argentina 781
Brazil 2,818
Canada 1,381
Chile 627
Mexico 4,996
United States 3,663
Uruguay 241
Total America 14,507
Australia 953
Bangladesh 45
China 8,584
India 580
Japan 3,828
Kazakhstan 483
Morocco 3
South Africa 287
South Korea 1,125
Taiwan 499
Vietnam 6
Total Asia and the rest of the world 16,393