5. Risks which have materialized during the year

During the year, risks inherent in the business model, the Group’s business and the market environment have materialized as a result of circumstances inherent in the development of business and the prevailing economic climate. Although none of them has had a significant impact on the Organization, materialization of foreign exchange had a higher weight.

The Group operates globally and, therefore, it is exposed to the foreign exchange risks in respect of transactions in currencies, namely in US dollar, Russian ruble, Chinese renminbi, Mexican peso, Sterling pound and Japanese yen. In the course of the year, depreciation of non euro currencies has had a 2.5 percentage points negative impact on the growth rate of net sales of the company.

The foreign exchange risk is managed pursuant to the guidelines set out by the Management of the Group, which mainly cover the establishment of financial or natural hedging systems, constant monitoring of foreign exchange rates flows and other measures aimed at mitigating such risk.