Eco-efficient stores and Eco-refurbishments

In 2020, all Inditex items will have the Green to Wear seal. This implies that all stores of the Group will be 100% eco-efficient by this date.

Conscious of the ambition of the objective, we avail of the Eco-efficient Store Manual, which has the objective of ensuring compliance with our efficiency and sustainability requirements. This defines the technical requirements of the various facilities and systems of all of the stores in the Group (electrical installation, HVAC, plumbing, lighting, materials, furniture), as well as the operations performed in the same (waste management, among others). These measures save 20% in electricity, with the consequent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The biggest electrical savings are detected in HVAC, in which they are estimated as 40%. Besides, these measures saves up to 50% in water consumption with respect to aconventional store. In 2014 we opened 343 new stores, all of them with eco-efficiency criteria, which, added to the similar openings has accomplised since 2009 and eco-refurbishments started in 2011, implies that 51% of Inditex stores are now eco-efficient.

The stores constructed before 2007 will be renovated in order to comply with the parameters defined in the Eco-efficient store Manual. In 2014, under these eco-efficiency parameters, among others, a notable renovation has been carried out on of our most emblematic Zara stores, located on Corso Vittorio Emanuele II (Milan).

In order to maintain this important objective, at Inditex we have an efficiency platform that performs central monitoring of the HVAC and electricity facilities in a total of 1,234 eco-efficient stores distributed throughout more than 30 countries. This centralised control permits action on the facilities with the objective of optimising management, identifying the most efficient systems, improving maintenance and defining strategies to reduce the energy demand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by our stores.

Within the initiatives carried out by Inditex in 2014 for efficient energy management, we can highlight the purchase of renewable energy by certain stores located in Germany, which have managed to avoid the emission to the atmosphere of a total of 27,197 tonnes of CO2.

In order to ensure that our Eco-efficient store Manual complies with the most up-to-date sustainability and efficiency requirements, we continue to certify some emblematic stores under the LEED and Bream seals for sustainable construction, two of the most prestigious standards in the world. This is the case of the Bershka Colón (Valencia) store, which is 2014 was certified with the Platinum LEED seal. During this year, Platinum LEED certification was also received by the Zara flagship in Madrid (calle Serrano) the Massimo Dutti in Paseo del Borne and San Feliu (Palma de Mallorca), and the Bershka in Valencia (Calle Colón). Others such as Zara in Krakow (Rynek Glowny) have received the Gold LEED certification.