Specific contents for the sector

Indicator URL Omission External assurance Principles of UN Global Compact
Category: Supply chain standards
Material aspect: Code of conduct
AF1 Code of conduct content and coverage 1. Traceability of the supply chain 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review 9. Code of conduct and responsible practices and the committee of ethics Código de Conducta y Prácticas Responsables:
Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers:
Compliance Programme:
AF7 Number and location of workplaces covered by code of conduct. Sustainable management of the supply chain 1. Traceability of the supply chain The Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers is applicable to each and every one of Inditex’s suppliers and manufacturers. More information about the identification of the supply can be found on the Inditex website: Yes
Material aspect: Audit process
AF2 Parties and personnel engaged in code of conduct compliance function 2. Supply chain programmes: workers at the centre 9. Code of conduct and responsible practices and the committee of ethics
Compliance Programme:
AF3 Compliance audit process 1. Traceability of the supply chain 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Social audit Process: Yes
AF8 Number of audits conducted and percentage of workplaces audited 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Sustainability indicators 1. Sustainable management of the supply chain Yes
Material aspect: Grievance procedures
AF4 Policy and procedures for receiving, investigating, and responding to grievances and complaints 9. Code of conduct and responsible practices and the committee of ethics ICFR Yes
Material aspect: Capacity Building
AF5 Strategy and scope of efforts to strengthen capacity of management, workers and other staff to improve in social and environmental performance. 2. Attracting, developing and promoting talent 2. Supply chain programmes: workers at the centre Inditex offers specific training courses on aspects of sustainability to its employees. The Group also provides training programmes for auditors and suppliers on aspects of the Code of Conduct and environmental issues. Yes
Material aspect: Capacity Building
AF6 Policies for supplier selection, management, and termination 1. Traceability of the supply chain 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Inditex Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers includes the standards and requirements that suppliers must meet in order to form part of Inditex’s supply chain. It is available on the website: Yes
AF17 Actions to identify and mitigate business practices that affect code compliance 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
Material aspect: Non-compliance findings
AF9 Incidents of non-compliance with legal requirements or collective bargaining agreements on wages 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
AF10 Incidents of non-compliance with overtime standards 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
AF11 Incidents of non-compliance with standards on pregnancy and maternity rights 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
AF12 Incidents of the use of child labor 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
AF13 Incidents of non-compliance with standards on gender discrimination 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
AF14 Incidents of non-compliance with code of conduct 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
AF15 Analysis of data from code compliance audits 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
Material aspect: Remediation
AF16 Remediation practices to address non-compliance findings 3. Strategic Plan 2014-2018. 2016 Review Yes
Category: Environmental
Material aspect: Materials
AF18 Programs to replace organic-based adhesives and primers with water-based adhesives and primers 3. Sustainable management Yes
AF19 Practices to source safer alternative substances to those on the restricted substances list, including description of associated management systems 3. Sustainable management Yes
AF20 List of environmentally preferable materials used in apparel and footwear products 2. More sustainable raw materials Yes
Material aspect: Energy
AF21 Amount of energy consumed and percentage of the energy that is from renewable sources 1. Sustainable environmental management of our facilities Sustainability indicators 3. Environmental indicators Yes
Category: Social
Sub-category: labor practices and decent work
Material aspect: Employment
AF22 Policy and practices regarding the use of employees with non-permanent and non-fulltime status 2. Attracting, developing and promoting talent Yes
AF23 Policy regarding the use of home working 1. Equality and diversity Yes
AF24 Policy on the use and selection of labor brokers, including adherence to relevant ILO Conventions 1. Equality and diversity 9. Code of conduct and responsible practices and the committee of ethics Inditex carries out analysis and control of the level of compliance with its Sustainability Strategy achieved by suppliers by means of the Group’s Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers Compliance Programme. Yes
Material aspect: Wages and hours
AF25 Policy and practices on wage deductions that are not mandated by law 3. Quality employment Inditex does not adhere to any wage deduction policy or practice beyond those stipulated by law. Yes
AF26 Policy on working hours, including definition of overtime, and actions to prevent excessive and forced overtime The in force collective agreements do not contemplate any deadline to inform of the organizational changes undergone by Inditex. However, when a relevant fact is stated, this is duly notified according to the in force regulations (Act 41 of the Spanish Workers’ Statute). Yes
Material aspect: Labor/ Management relations
AF29 Percentage of workplaces where there is one or more independent trade union(s) Some 37% of Inditex’s work centres have workers’ representatives (There have been no significant changes in this indicator on a national level in comparison with 2015). Yes
AF30 Percentage of workplaces where, in the absence of a trade union, there are worker-management committees, broken down by country The Group does not participate in representative bodies that do not involve the trade unions. Yes
Material aspect: Occupational health and safety
AF31 Initiatives and programs to respond to, reduce, and prevent the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders 3. Quality employment Yes
Material aspect: Diversity and equal opportunity
AF27 Policy and actions to protect the pregnancy and maternity rights of women workers 1. Equality and diversity Yes
AF32 Actions to address gender discrimination and to provide opportunities for the advancement of women workers 1. Equality and diversity Yes
Material aspect: Community investment
AF33 Priorities in community investment strategy Key programmes in 2016 Yes
AF34 Amount of investment in worker communities broken down by location Investment in social programmes 2016 2. Investment in social programmes indicators 2016 Yes