Conscious that growth begins when we develop each of the professionals that work for us at Inditex, we focus on creating working environments that allow our employees to develop and give the best of themselves. These are working environments where they will be accepted as they are, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, and nationality, among any other characteristics.
At Inditex we are particularly committed to promoting gender equality through initiatives that also include flexible and part-time working hours. In addition, we create policies that favour maternity and breastfeeding, as well as promoting a work-life balance for workers with specific needs. Inditex’s Equality Monitoring Committee is in charge of analysing the effectiveness of these measures.
One proof of these efforts and the effectiveness of the measures we have implemented to ensure a work-life balance is the rate of employees that return to work after maternity or paternity leave. A total of 2,378 Inditex employees in Spain were on maternity or paternity leave in 2016. From the group, 98% returned to their job following that leave, a very high rate that was similar among women and men, as well as among temporary and permanent employees.
Our employees are also supported by our commitment to labour rights and the defence and promotion of human rights in general. In this area, we work with the global trade union federation UNI Global Union, which represents workers in service sectors throughout the world. In 2009, we signed a framework agreement with UNI Global Union which supports all of the labour rights set out in the Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and which forms the foundations of labour relations with our employees.
At Inditex we strive to create a working environment that focuses on equality, acceptance and understanding, where people are free to voice their ideas and are listened to. Additionally, in line with our Code of Conduct and Responsible Practices, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, working to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates and employees. Likewise, we have put specific systems in place so that our employees are able to report any incident so that it can be properly dealt.
In 2016, we implemented awareness-raising and training activities on equality, a vital task given that more than three quarters of Inditex’s staff worldwide are women (76% versus 24% men). The use of new tools that facilitate the dissemination of and access to information has made it possible to reach all of our employees with the contents of the Equality Plans created for the Group’s brands, which are made available to staff on Inditex’s intranet, INet.
In Spain, the implementation and application of these Equality Plans has been an ongoing task for the last 10 years. In 2016, we made further progress in this direction with the approval of the Equality Plan for the logistics centre located in Cabanillas and in all of our own factories. We also started negotiations to renew the Zara and Massimo Dutti Equality Plans, which are due to be approved during 2017. Similarly, the brands Oysho and Pull&Bear have signed various protocols to prevent sexual and gender-based harassment. In the other countries where we operate, we have also developed a range of initiatives and protocols in this sphere.
In 2006, Inditex ratified the EQUAL Diversidad Activa (Active Diversity) project co-financed by the European Commission and directed by the Spanish Coordinator of the European Women’s Lobby and Fundación Carolina.
Raising awareness is an integral part of labour relations with Inditex, which starts during initial training and for as long as that link lasts. To achieve this, we celebrate a range of activities on significant dates, such as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25th. On that day, there are videos, photography competitions, and courses on discrimination and sexual harassment. We also promote Equality Week in our stores, among other activities.
Inditex’s commitment to supporting victims of gender violence is highlighted by our collaboration agreement with the Ministry for Equality and the incorporation of staff trained through the Salta project. Moreover, and with the help of specialized foundations, our objective is to support a new life project through which victims can become survivors, enjoying a security at work that affords them emotional stability and improves their self-esteem.

In May 2016, Inditex launches its first Diversity and Inclusion Policy in the United States. The policy has the aim of establishing a firm commitment to these values in everything the company does.
Based on this document, Inditex rejects all forms of discrimination. The company also works to guarantee equal opportunities for candidates and employees, regardless of their race, colour, creed, age, religion, gender, nationality, ascendancy, citizenship, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, disability, pregnancy, veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status. This policy is applied to any practice we engage in linked to recruitment and selection, pay and benefits, promotion, mobility, professional development and training, demotion, dismissal, disciplinary action and any other employment condition.

Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy is included in the Employee Handbook, which contains the range of Inditex policies and procedures in the country, including a guide that deals with situations that can be considered sexual and other forms of harassment. The Manual also sets out the protocol that should be applied in such cases by management, both in stores and business areas, as well as the confidentiality of any investigations or corrective actions that are applied.
Our achievements in the United States during 2016 are accompanied by other initiatives designed to increase social awareness of diversity and inclusion among our employees. Additionally, we can highlight the creation of a Diversity and Inclusion Calendar that brings together cultural, ethnic or religious observances and events celebrated throughout the year that can be shared with all staff in order to promote inclusion, mutual respect and awareness among employees.
Also in the United States, in the sphere of gender transition initiatives we have established the foundations to ensure that any employee undergoing a process of gender reassignment finds that their workplace provides them with the support they need to feel fully accepted in their working environment.
We have also created training materials for our sales staff in order to ensure that all people – and in particular transgender people – are always treated with maximum respect in our stores. Our aim is for all of our customers to enjoy an excellent shopping experience, regardless of their gender identity or expression and their sexual orientation.