
America Programme

2013 saw the conclusion of the three-year programme developed by Inditex and the Fundación Entreculturas to foster education and employment in Latin America. In September 2013, both organisations signed a new agreement to implement the new programme “EPGO: Educating People, Generating Opportunities”.

Between 2011 and 2013, the collaboration between the Fundación Entreculturas and Inditex benefited 175,000 people in countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. The beneficiaries of the programme included young people at risk of exclusion, migrants, indigenous populations and other people in a special situation of vulnerability.

Similarly, the present agreement signed between the organisations in September 2013 foresees the development of 16 new projects in Latin America. These projects focus on two broad lines of action: technical training for young people aimed at their integration in the labour market, and assistance and training for particularly vulnerable groups. These projects, which will benefit more than 80,000 young people, will be carried out in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay.

Africa Programme

In 2013, Inditex continued to support the three-year programme that the Fundación Entreculturas, along with its partner the Jesuit Refugee Service, has been developing in Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa and South Sudan. This programme has meant that the most vulnerable population, the victims of conflict and poverty in the region, has received support in primary and secondary education for young people, teacher training, construction and equipment of classrooms, professional training and access to small credits to start businesses.

Furthermore, in September 2013, Inditex and the Fundación Entreculturas signed a new agreement that will benefit more than 35,000 beneficiaries in Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa and Uganda. This new programme is based on improving the educational situation of refugee or displaced populations with whom the Jesuit Refugee Service works. The aim is to contribute to the effective achievement of the right to education in highly vulnerable groups by providing access to learning, improving its quality and paying special attention to the technical education that gives a population punished by different conflicts the chance to survive. The projects are articulated along two broad lines: the social and labour integration of refugees and the displaced, and education in emergency situations. The investment pledged by Inditex over the next three years is around 2.7 million euros.

Componente Colombia Programme

This programme forms part of a regional intervention in the geographic area known as “Componente Colombia”, which includes the border areas of Colombia and three neighbouring countries (Panama, Ecuador and Venezuela). In these geographic areas, the Colombian armed conflict has taken on a transnational dimension reflected, for instance, in the growing number of refugees and migrants.

Inditex, in collaboration with Entreculturas and the Jesuit Refugee Service, continued to support this programme in 2013. The initiative has provided assistance to the displaced and refugee population and work has been done on raising awareness and training young people in education for peace and the prevention of violence. The programme also offers support to human rights organisations and encourages activities aimed at integrating displaced and refugee populations.

We Water Experience

In 2013 Inditex reached an agreement with the Foundation for UNESCO to support the Programme for the Education of Children in Need, based on the idea that educating and training young people is the best way to guarantee their autonomous development in the future.

A specific line of the programme aims to promote the sustainability of natural resources and in particular access to drinking water. Within this framework, Inditex has signed an agreement with Foundation for UNESCO to introduce an educational programme on water targeted at Chinese schoolchildren. Under the name of We Water Experience, the programme will last four years (2013 – 2016) and will be executed by Thirst - NGO promoted by Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum (YGLs).

Inditex Chair of Spanish Language and Culture at the University of Dhaka

The Inditex Chair of Spanish Language and Culture at the University of Dhaka (Bangladesh), created by means of an agreement between Inditex, the universities of Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña, and the Dhaka University in Bangladesh, started its activity in 2011. Its purpose is to promote the Spanish language and culture in Bangladesh and to encourage scientific production and exchange in this area, as well as to promote the movement of students and teachers between the university institutions.

In 2013, the teaching activities related to Spanish language and culture were completed for the 2012/2013 year and the 2013/2014 academic year commenced with 253 students. A grant programme was also implemented for students of the Chair, which enabled two students to do an intensive Spanish course at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Inditex-UDC Chair of Social Responsibility

The Inditex Chair of Social Responsibility at the University of A Coruña (UDC) was created in 2010. In 2013, the second edition was held of the postgraduate course in social responsibility, which received 34 students and more than 30 professionals training on the course. The postgraduate course is articulated in a total of 200 hours of certified training spread over ordinary sessions and seminars, workshops, talks and visits to companies.