Materiality matrix 2013
The consultation process performed by Inditex with its stakeholders has revealed the 30 issues that concern stakeholders the most. These issues encompass topics such as customer relations; respect for human rights; labour practices and health and safety in factories and workshops working for the Group; water consumption and waste dumping control in the supply chain; human capital management; waste generation; greenhouse gas emissions and recycling practices in the company’s operations; Inditex’s dialogue with its stakeholders; and its involvement in the development of the communities where the Group is present. Inditex responds to all of these concerns by means of its policies, always in line with its business strategy. This Annual Report is a summary of the Group’s actions over the year 2013 in all of these areas. Inditex’s website ( contains more detailed information on the Group’s strategies and work in the sphere of sustainability.
Material issues
1 | Corporate Governance | 16 | Attraction and retention of talent |
2 | Internal code of conducto | 17 | Development of human capital |
3 | Corruption | 18 | Energy consumption in the supply chain (manufacturing) |
4 | Customer relations and satisfaction | 19 | Water consumption in the supply chain |
5 | Product quality, health and safety | 20 | Control of discharges |
6 | Green Design | 21 | Human rights and working practices in the supply chain |
7 | Changes in consumption habits | 22 | Health and safety in factories |
8 | Changes in purchasing habits (online sales) | 23 | Animal welfare |
9 | Proximity sourcing | 24 | Equal trading conditions |
10 | Volatility of raw material prices | 25 | Direct consumption of energy and GHG (scope 1) |
11 | Changes in regulation | 26 | Indirect consumption of energy and GHG (scope 2) |
12 | Time in distribution and distribution costs | 27 | Consumption of energy outside the organisation and GHG (scope 3) |
13 | Expansion in new and emerging markets | 28 | Waste production and recycling |
14 | Exposure in mature markets | 29 | Social action and local community development |
15 | Working practicess | 30 | Dialogue with and commitment to stakeholders |
The following organisations have taken part in the drafting of the materiality matrix, among others:
- IndustriAll Global Union
- Fundación Entreculturas
- Médecins Sans Frontières
- Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo
- Sustainalytics