Company relations with stakeholders

Dialogue with stakeholders is crucial to guaranteeing the sustainability of Inditex’s business model.
Milestones of the year
Extension of product health and safety control to include more than just direct suppliers, encompassing the entire supply chain
Objectives 2014
Communicating customers how our products are produced in a responsible and eco-efficient way
Improving customer services by means of specific training programmes
Creation of the Southeast Asia Cluster
Promotion of production audits
Classroom training for over 1,100 suppliers
Member of the Fur Free Retailer Program
Strengthening of the coverage of all suppliers with specialised CSR teams in the field
Ensuring the traceability of the supply chain
Keeping continuous improvement in compliance with the Code of Conduct for Manufacturers and Suppliers
Over 900,000 hours of employee training
Training sessions on sustainable purchasing practices for 241 employees and internal purchasing teams
Promotion of employees’ professional and personal growth in step with the business’ growth
Signing of collaboration agreements with MSF and the Fundación Entreculturas on the execution of development cooperation and humanitarian aid projects
Implementation of the educational project We Water Experience
Activation of emergency plans in the Philippines and Mexico in collaboration with MSF and Red Cross
Increasing number of beneficiaries and increasing impact generated by investment projects in the community
Strengthening of social investment projects in spheres related to the supply chain
Promoting education, social welfare and humanitarian aid by means of collaboration with charitable organisations
Consolidated position on the FTSE4Good and DJSI indexes
Stability and improvement in sustainability indexes
Global Energy Strategy
Biodiversity Strategy
Publication of the Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL)
Guaranteeing the responsible use of water and zero discharge by 2020
Reduction by 20% of own operations’ energy intensity for each item put onto the market by 2020. Reaching 100% of Eco-efficient
stores by 2020
Protection and preservation of the rich wealth of species by means of promoting the consumption of sustainable raw materials and local conservation projects
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