Sponsorship and patronage

Inditex’s sponsorship and patronage initiatives include the one-off contributions made both by Inditex and by the Groups’ different subsidiaries and brands to non-profit institutions in order to contribute to improving the community welfare in the local area.
Inditex’s sponsorship and patronage initiatives include the one-off contributions made both by Inditex and by the Groups’ different subsidiaries and brands to non-profit institutions in order to contribute to improving the community welfare in the local area.
In 2013, the Group invested 8,110,244 euros in this area both in monetary contributions and contributions in kind, which benefited 240 non-profit institutions working in the area of influence of the different companies of the Group.
In this sense, most of the projects approved by this committee took the form of initiatives whose area of influence is Spain, and in some cases Galicia, where the company headquarters are located.
Training and innovation
Inditex supported various training activities in 2013, including backing for different universities and educational institutions at home and abroad, including the Complutense University of Madrid, Fundación Carlos III de Madrid, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Fundación Carolina. In the field of innovation and scientific and technological research, Inditex works with the Foundation of the National Centre of Cardiovascular Research (PRO-CNIC), the CYD Foundation and the Príncipe de Girona Foundation.
Culture and sport
Inditex has continued its steady collaboration with the Galician Symphony Orchestra, the Association of Friends of the Opera of A Coruña, the Albéniz Foundation, the Association of Friends of the Reina Sofía Art Centre and the Toledo Royal Foundation. In the area of sports, Inditex supports all work which encourages grassroots sport.
Social aid
The empowerment of women in an unfavourable situation, the fight against cancer, re-entry into the labour market, the fostering of the integration of the disabled into the labour market and work to protect vulnerable groups are examples of the activities that Inditex carried out in the field of social aid in 2013.