Materiality analysis

Inditex identifies the issues that most interest those parties with some kind of relation to the company by means of ongoing dialogue with its stakeholders. This allows the company to create a materiality or relevant issues matrix that serves to define the contents of its Annual Report, as well as to guarantee that Inditex’s strategy is aligned with the concerns and expectations of those parties with links to the company or affected by its activities.
These concerns and expectations, along with the creation of sustainable value, are what give meaning to the programmes developed by Inditex to deal with the challenges and opportunities faced by the company. This way of working – analysing what issues are relevant in the eyes of the company’s stakeholders – is key when it comes to defining the policies to be developed by the company and how these should be made known to society. To this end, Inditex follows the recommendations of the various international standards in which the Group participates, such as the Integrated Reporting Framework of the IIRC and the Global Reporting Initiative.
In 2013, the Group made further progress in the drafting of its materiality matrix. It defined the most relevant aspects by means of an analysis of its own value chain and the internal and external factors that affect the Group in some way. Moreover, Inditex increased the scope of the consultation both within and outside the company, making it possible to gain a more comprehensive vision of the opinions of its stakeholders.
Analysis of megatrends affecting the business model
Assessment of issues reflecting significant financial, environmental and social impacts
Identification of key issues affecting value creation
30 relevant issues identified
Definition of prioritization
The 30 relevant issues resulting from this process were submitted to various internal and external stakeholders for evaluation of their level of importance and the organisation’s performance in this area
Internal opinion leaders: The heads of the company’s various departments, both in the spheres of business and sustainability
External opinion leaders: The Social Council, as the legitimate representative of Inditex’s stakeholders and other groups such as customers, media and NGOs with a direct relationship with Inditex
Drafting of the materiality matrix based on the results of the analysis of relevant issues by internal and external opinion leaders
What is relevant and where – 30 relevant issues ordered according to internal and external priority level
The matrix serves as the basis for establishing the contents of the Annual Report and the identification of challenges and opportunities
Validation of the result of the materiality matrix to ensure that it is a reasonable and balanced reflection of the issues relevant to the organisation
Internal validation by Inditex’s directors and external validation via the Social Council