Social Investment 2012

Community Development Programmes

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Bangladesh, Cambodia
Investment: 3,373,344
Beneficiaries: 142,100
Educational centres involved: 151
Persons empowered to work: 8.366
More than 50 infrastructure projects built

Monitoring Programmes

Burundi, Central African Republic, South Sudan, India, Greece, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia
Investment: 3,884,666
Beneficiaries: 94,306
25,525 emergency kits supplied
>2,500 psycho-social and legal support actions
26,510 persons received medical attention

Emergency Programmes

Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau
Investment: 1,357,026
Beneficiaries: 461,883
17 emergences attended

Social Entrepreneurship Programmes

Investment: 1,088,280
Beneficiaries: 1,107
40 projects executed
23 employment enterprises created or resized
2 social cooperatives founded
4 Self-employment initiatives generated

Sponsorship and Patronage

Germany, Argentina, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, China, USA, Spain, France, Greece, Guinea, India, Italy, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, UK, Turkey, Uruguay
Investment: 8,844,753
Number of non-profit organisations supported: 305

Environmental Programmes

Brazil, Spain, India
Investment: 1,030,705

Employee Social Action Programmes

Spain, Poland, USA, UK, Germany, France
Investment: 819,935

Network of Universities

Spain, Bangladesh
Investment: 563,472
270 pupils enrolled