G. Other information of interest

All the principles or relevant aspects relating to corporate governance practices applied by Inditex have been covered in this Report.

For the purposes of achieving maximum transparency regarding remuneration of the Board of Directors, below is a chart with the individual breakdown of such remuneration per director.

The Company is not subject to any legislation other than the Spanish legislation in corporate governance matters.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Code on Best Tax Practices, to which the company adhered to during FY2010 further to a resolution passed by the Board of Directors on 21 September, the enforcement and effectiveness thereof during FY2012 is hereby noted.

None independent directors has or has had any relationship with the Company, its significant shareholders or its managers which, had it been sufficiently significant or important, would have resulted in the director not qualifying for consideration as independent pursuant to the definition set forth in sub-section 5 of the Unified Good Governance Code.

This annual corporate governance report was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting of 12 March 2013.

None of the Directors has voted against or abstained in connection with the approval of this Report.