Inditex Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)
The Group's GHG emissions are calculated and reported following the international directives of the World Resources Institute (GHG Protocol, 2004) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2007). The GHG emissions inventory includes direct and indirect emissions for the period beginning 1 February 2012 to 31 January 2013.
This year, for the first time, a new activity is reported in the optional emissions (scope 3): GHG emissions associated with electricity consumption in franchised stores. For this reason, total emissions this year are not comparable to those in previous years, hence the total emissions comparison and the data history for this new category are not presented.
A data history based on each of the scopes considered by the GHG Protocol is presented below.
Scope 1: Direct emissions. These are GHG emissions associated with sources under the Inditex Group's control. It includes:
- Emissions from combustion in boilers, machinery and vehicles
- Emissions pertaining to processes
- Emissions escaping from equipment or installations
Scope 1 includes the direct emissions from the following installations:
- Head office and all chain head offices (Pull&Bear, Maximo Dutti, Stradivarius, Oysho, Bershka, Zara Home, Tempe, Zara, Uterqüe)
- All Group factories (Goa, Fios, Indipunt, Jema, Samlor, Stear, Denllo, Sabón, Inditex cogeneración)
- All logistics centres (Pull&Bear, Stradivarius, Tordera Logistics Centre, Bershka Logistics Centre, Sabón Logistics Centre, León Logistics Platform, Europa Platform, Meco Logistics Platform and Tempe Logistics Centres).
- Scope 2: Indirect emissions. Emissions associated with the generation of electricity or thermal energy the Inditex Group buys. For its calculation, GHG emissions from the head office, chain offices, all Group factories, all logistics centres and all stores were accounted for.
- Scope 3: Optional scope that includes indirect emissions associated with the goods and services production chain. This year include emissions associated with the transport of garments from logistics centres stores by external logistics operators (truck, short-, medium- and long-haul flights and ship), as well as emissions associated with electricity consumption in franchise stores.
Scope 3 emissions detail
We calculate the GHG resulting from distribution and logistics operations carried out by external logistics operators based on the vehicles used to transport the product (scope 3). These calculations are based on the weight of the product shipped and the number of kilometres travelled by each mode of transport. The following emission factors, as proposed by GHG Protocol, are used:
- Kg of CO2 /km truck=0.8678 kg
- Kg CO2 /tonne and km short-haul flight(<463km)= 1.96073
- Kg of CO2 /tonne and km medium-haul flight (between 463 and 1108 km) = 1.47389
- Kg of CO2 /tonne and km medium-haul flight (between 463 and 1108 km) = 0.61324
- Kg of CO2 /km ship=0.0079
- The general increase in GHG emissions in transport in recent years is due to the increase in product released on the market. On this point, attention should be drawn to the increase in emissions caused by so-called long-haul flights (> 1,108 km), due to the growth in product exports to countries such as China.
GHG emissions by type of transport used (t CO2eq)

Inditex greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)
2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 |
Scope 1 (t CO2e) | 25.182 | 24.591 | 22.870 | 21.919 | 24.479 |
Scope 2 (t CO2e) | 291.486 | 310.635 | 309.602 | 291.413 | 290.120 |
Scope 3 - Transport (t CO2e) | 248.833 | 248.021 | 289.431 | 332.097 | 398.158 |
Scope 3 - Franchises (t CO2e) | - | - | - | - | 34.654* |
Number of garments released on the market | 696.961.736 | 767.756.829 | 815.600.537 | 835.524.467 | 869.167.058 |
g CO2e per garment released on the market** | 454,35 | 436,63 | 407,64 | 374,66 | 361,95 |