Human Capital
The sum total of the capabilities, knowledge and experience of the company's employees.
Intellectual Capital
The result of R+D activities and intangible resources, such as intellectual property rights or corporate reputation.
Financial Capital
The economic and financial resources at the company's disposition.
Social and Relationship Capital
Company relations with stakeholders.
Manufactured Capital
The tangible assets that are used by the company or which result from its activities.
Natural Capital
Environmental resources, both renewable and non-renewable, that are used in or affected by the company's activities.
Within the framework of the approach provided by International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC’s) Integrated Reporting Pilot Programme, in the contents of its 2012 Annual Report Inditex has included information related to the capitals at the company’s disposition and which is used to generate value as well as to respond to the challenges and opportunities contained in this Annual Report. Inditex understands capitals to mean the different resources used by the company in its value creation processes. All of Inditex's activities involve one or more different types of capital as these are inter-related and under constant transformation.
Thus, this Annual Report identifies the different types of capital that intervene in each different challenge to which the company responds under the governance of its business model.