The Social Council

The Social Council is Inditex’s advisory body on matters of Corporate Social Responsibility. It is made up of people and institutions which are external and independent to the Group. Its function is to formalise and institutionalise dialogue with intermediaries considered key in civil society where Inditex operates its business model. The Social Council plays an important role in producing the materiality matrix in which it participates along with other stakeholders.

Inditex Social Council Members
Adela Cortina University of Valencia
Alfred Vernis Esade Business School
Cecilia Plañiol Fundación Lealtad
Ezequiel Reficco University of the Andes
Víctor Viñuales Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo
Meetings held in 2012
Date held Venue % of members attending
06/06/2012 Arteixo (Spain) 80%
05/11/2012 Arteixo (Spain) 80%
10/12/2012 Arteixo (Spain) 60%