Inditex on the stock market Indexes

Euro Stoxx 50

Inditex closed the accounts for the financial year 2012 with a capitalisation of 64,328 million Euros.

Due to the development of its market capitalisation, on 19 September 2011, Inditex became listed on the Euro Stoxx 50, the benchmark index of the largest 50 listed companies in the eurozone. This index is the main reference for global institutional investors regarding investment in the eurozone.

Inditex has, in addition, been listed on the Spanish selective Ibex 35 index since 2 July 2001.

Sustainability indexes

Inditex, for the tenth and eleventh consecutive years, is listed on the FTSE4Good Sustainability Indexes and Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, respectively.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI)

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) rated Inditex in their 2012 assessment as Bronze Class within the General Retailers sector to which more than 80 companies belong.

Thus Inditex, member of the DJSI World and DJSI Europe, obtained the following assessment for this index in the last two years:

Inditex Ranking in Down Jones Sustainability Indexes

2012 2011

Rating (%)
Rating (%)
Rating (%)
Rating (%)
Total 81 44 98 85 48
Dimensions studied
Economic 80 45 98 80 49
Environmental 93 43 100 95 44
Social 73 42 93 83 50
Environmental Dimension
Environmental policy/Management system 100 53 100 95 100
Environmental reporting 88 40 98 89 47
Operational eco-efficiency 86 26 93 94 100
Packaging 95 57 100 95 57
Social Dimension
Philanthropy 78 20 93 90 28
Human capital development 64 32 80 61 35
Labour practice 80 57 93 74 57
Social reporting 91 36 100 96 46
Commitment to stakeholders 83 56 84 100 59
Talent attraction & retention 57 38 91 59 37
* Percentage of companies in the same industry whose ratings were below that obtained by Inditex.


Inditex has been a member of the FTSE4Good for ten years. This stock exchange index of sustainability lists the multinational companies most committed in the area of corporate responsibility. The analysis of the companies who are members of this index is carried out by by Ethical Investment Research Service (EIRiS) and they assess various environmental, social and corporate governance aspects. In the most recent rating, EIRiS gave Inditex an overall rating of 4.3 out of 5.