15. Financial investments

The detail of these captions in the consolidated balance sheet and of the changes therein in 2012 and 2011 is as follows:

in EIGs
Loans and
other credit
Balance at 01/02/2011 5,679 2,021 1,221 8,921
Acquisitions 100 539 9 648
Disposals (68) - - (68)
Balance at 31/01/2012 5,711 2,560 1,230 9,501
Balance at 01/02/2012 5,711 2,560 1,230 9,501
Disposals - (520) (34) (554)
Impairment losses (4,955) - - (4,955)
Balance at 31/01/2013 756 2,040 1,196 3,992

Non-current investment securities correspond mainly to a stake in Banco Gallego.

The investment in Economic Interest Groupings (EIGs) comprises Inditex’s shareholding in five economic interest groupings (10 at 31 January 2012), the activity of which is the leasing of assets managed by a separate, non-group entity which retains most of the profits and is exposed to the risks associated with this activity. These groupings have applied the fiscal incentives established in prevailing Spanish legislation (see note 22), the effect of which is shown under “Income tax” in the consolidated income statement.