30. External auditors

In 2012 and 2011 the fees for financial audit and other services provided by the auditor of the Company’s annual accounts, or by companies related to these auditors as a result of a relationship of control, common ownership or common management, were as follows:

2012 2011
Audit services 4,006 4,933
Other assurance services 196 271
Total audit and similar services 4,202 5,204
Tax advisory services 369 980
Other services 122 142
Total professional services 4,693 6,326

The figures in the table above include the total fees for services rendered in 2012 and 2011, irrespective of the date of invoice.

In addition to the audit of the Inditex Group annual accounts, audit services rendered by Deloitte in 2012 and by KPMG in 2011 also include certain audit work related with the external audit.

Non-audit services relate mainly to advisory services to certain of the Group’s subsidiaries abroad.

According to information received from the auditors, fees received from the Inditex Group by the principal auditors and the rest of the firms belonging to the international network (and associated firms) do not exceed 0.019% of their total revenue.