6. Financial results

Details of “Financial results” in the consolidated income statements for 2012 and 2011 are as follows:

2012 2011
Interest income 23,762 30,237
Foreign exchange gains 17,775 24,315
Dividends - 147
Total revenues 41,537 54,699
Interest expenses (2,849) (3,672)
Other finance costs (7,671) (10,186)
Foreign exchange losses (16,888) (3,835)
Total expenses (27,408) (17,693)
Total 14,129 37,006

Financial income and expenses mainly comprise interest accrued on the Group’s financial assets and liabilities during the year (see note 18). Net foreign exchange differences are principally due to fluctuations in the currencies with which the Group operates (see note 25) between the time when income, expenses, acquisitions or disposals of assets are recognized and when the corresponding assets or liabilities are realized or settled under applicable accounting principles.